Bo Augustsson Bo Augustsson

From Dagens Industri 2019. This laid the foundation for #färdplan2045 and #hållbarbyggprocess, which we are trying to live up to and develop in collaboration with El-Björn AB. An interesting and important article, definitely worth reading and thinking about.

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Bo Augustsson Bo Augustsson

Bioenergitidningen has visited Gothenburg and made a report on CleanBurn and Herz. An exciting new product in our range is also revealed...

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Bo Augustsson Bo Augustsson

Yesterday we sent a new, exciting product up to Norrland to heat a giant building (in the pouring rain of Gothenburg). New technology will be evaluated and tested on site in tough conditions. It will be fun to follow this up!

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Bo Augustsson Bo Augustsson

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Bo Augustsson Bo Augustsson

Let's go even greener!

Our red boilers from HERZ are our signature. Everyone recognizes a CleanBurn.

But as we are still on the road to green energy, we feel that due to our agreement as general agent in Sweden, we should fall in line and follow our partners in Sweden and abroad and use the original green color. The same great boiler, the same service and the same results - just a little greener.

Sometimes you can go against the grain, sometimes it's almost better not to.

Green is good, isn't it?

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Bo Augustsson Bo Augustsson

The magazine Bioenergi is the only magazine that only writes about bioenergy and there we are mentioned both now and then. We have posted some articles that we found in the archive about installations in the country with satisfied customers. Take a look under the tab "Bioenergy magazine" in the menu and read their stories!

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Bo Augustsson Bo Augustsson

We have had Austrian Herz here for three days and after many, long meetings, a lot of planning and big plans, it ended up that from 22/06/01 we are officially the general agent for Herz boilers in Sweden. We hope for continued good cooperation with our colleagues in the country and hopefully it will benefit everyone in different ways in the future.

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Bo Augustsson Bo Augustsson

We have a new Facebook page for you to follow because the old one is closing down.

It was created in 2013 in a way that you are not allowed to create pages nowadays due to security etc. so all such accounts are closed down and you have to start from scratch. So we have done that!

So you are welcome to follow our new page, currently called CleanBurn Bioenergy.

A warm welcome to you!

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Bo Augustsson Bo Augustsson

Our smart "pan sandwich" is now available under its own tab on this page. Take a look - it's a cunning and clever solution!

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Bo Augustsson Bo Augustsson

There are big things happening at our company right now as it grows.

Outside Jönköping, an external facility is being built for the modification of containers for our construction heating centers.

This is what happens when innovative people within the company come up with ideas and solutions that are well outside the proverbial box!

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